Monday, December 15, 2008

Welcome to Poets and Gutters

My name is Gordon Katic and I would like to welcome you to Poets and Gutters, my new venue for lively intellectual debate and analysis (or perhaps my soapbox for political diatribes!). Poets and Gutters is the namesake of Bob Dylan's A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall, in which Dylan prognosticates a rather dire fate for both humanity and "the poet who died in the gutter." Never would I equate my prose with poetry, but I do seek to provide something more than a gutter for the inspired whose minds are free from the shackles of the inane news cycle.

From my niche in Vancouver at the University of British Columbia, I hope I can contribute an academic perspective to the online dialogue. I write this blog for truth and ideas rather than the principles of old-media: complacency and artificial consensus-building. I will use Poets and Gutters as a venue to present my perspective on the day's events and my convictions regarding larger philosophical problems which I feel are emblematic of our current instability.

I hope soon you too will join the discussion. Only if we end our intellectual complacency can we author a greater future and supplant our media's shallow perspectives with a dialogue that can face the gravity of the challenges we face.

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